my computer is 2 years old. it started running slow so i went to the apple store and they told me that i needed another one. $1,200? i had to think about it. my keyboard was giving me problems so i took it to a local mac repair man. i told him that i was going to fix it and sell it. he asked why? i told him that i wanted to get the new macbook. he asked me why? i told him that my computer was running slow. he said, hey, just get a bigger hard drive and you should be good to go. my computer was running slow because my hard drive was full. so i bought a new 500GB hard drive, had it installed, he took out my old 160GB hard drive and put it in a case so i can use it as an external HD. all that cost me $165, plus, i have an external 160GB hard drive. now my computer is running really fast again. i saved over $1,000. thank goodness because that’s worth a solid surf trip of scoring good waves somewhere in this world. i’m going to use it for that!
if you need mac or pc cheap repair or advice, stay away from the apple store because you’ll end up walking out with $1200 less. go to SOHO repair where mac and pc repair starts at $29. (808) 626-5383. those guys down there are cool! they can tune up your computer for a fraction of the price of a new one… thanks guys[:?????$B!x(B???:]
i met an indonesia friend 2 years ago while sailing through the timor area in east indonesia. her name is else and lives on this remote super secret island where the right hander supposed to be world class. we got it good but i heard it gets even better. ever since then, she’s been sending me international texts when ever the waves get good right out front of her house. she’s invited me to stay there anytime but i haven’t gotten around go going back. when we get on the boat in october, i’ll be in contact with her everyday. and once i get the good report, the sails are going up and we’re heading there. else also lives on the island where you can find the purest form of arak. no chemicals, straight from the palm tree. oh, i can’t wait!!!! else, see you soon…
else gives me the report, i go download the charts so i know exactly what swell gets in there. this is a 3′ day with nobody out…
this is next weeks forecast. i’m pretty sure it will get 6-8′ up there and perfect! i just have to wait for the texts… i’m getting excited….