as you may already know, it was one of my dreams to become a wall street trader. the competition in the business college at the university of hawaii sparked a fire in me. when i was studying every night and prepared for my exams, i didn’t want anybody to do better than me. everybody was competitive and wanted the best grades. i pushed myself so much, maybe too much when i think about it. but i learned how to be competitive, and i learned how to finish on top. i just looked at my job resume again the other day. if i were a boss for a big company, i would have hired myself. haha. one day i’ll post it and nobody would ever believe, because i still can’t believe myself. anyway, i was planning to send that resume to all the major companies in japan but instead became a pro surfer. something i don’t regret at all because even though i’m not the richest man in the world, i’m the richest in the world when it comes to happiness. in other words, i traded millions of dollars for barrels and friends!
now getting to the really rich people. according to Forbes Magazine, Lawrence J. Ellison is the highest paid man right now. he’s the CEO of Oracle Corp and made $78,440,657 (7739637653 yen) in 2012. Mr. Ellison owns the beautiful island of Lanai, Island Air, and much more. the cool thing about this man is he just put a company party on in hawaii and had stevie wonder play live for his employees. what a great boss!
and the highest paid women award goest to Safra A. Catz. the president and CFO of Mr. Ellison’s company Oracle. she made $43,590,605 (4300474726 yen) in 2012. i wonder if she’s married? haha. imagine getting half of that?
well, it’s time to dream again. someday i’ll be on top, and someday i’ll have stevie wonder play for my employees too!