President Obama favorite Surf Spot!


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been talking to people in the yachting and boat scene. and the more information i get, the more i want to sail around the world. a lot of people do it here from hawaii and for some reason, they all look happy. i want to know what that happiness is!
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went to sandy beach last week to bodysurf. this is where president obama use to body surf a lot. i’ve been coming here for the past 35 years of my life! back then i was young, now i still feel young rolling around in the shore break!
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the green early morning barrel!
seen alyssa wooten in the water the other day. so cool to just bump into so many people everyday in the ocean. and cool to see everybody doing really well in life!
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the more i got to third world countries, the more i understand how simple the kids lives are. no iphones, no ipads, no computers, and no technology. they just play with themselves how we use to do 20 years ago. so healthy and so pure. i blame Apple for making this world so complicated! i just hope the philippines stays like this but i know i’m just kidding myself.
was up in the mountain and seen this. what a cool place to live! no need water to make it green. it’s just green!
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last, this is the 2nd surf trunks that has a hole in the exact same place. right in the middle of my butt! i was wearing this one too for a while with a big hole in the back. a few years ago, my friend told me that patagonia gives lifetime warranty on all their products. i have the 2 shorts with holes in my car and i’m taking it back to patagonia today. we shall see how they honor their warranty. i won’t lie and will give you a full report on what happens. stay tuned!
