Pipeline Top Youtube


Ford has been hyping the new Atlas trucks for 2 years now. everybody’s been waiting for it and it’s finally going to be here this year. the body is made out of aluminum instead of steel so it’s going to be much lighter, therefore saving a a lot of gas. in fact, they are saying the new trucks will get 30 miles per gallon. now i’m getting 19 miles per gallon so this would be the ultimate dream truck. can’t wait to see one on the road.
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chinatown hawaii vs. chinatown yokohama? much different.
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pretty cool watching things like this.
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made me want to eat pork.
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and the colors of chinatown. my advise if you buy vegetables from there, “wash it good before you eat or cook it.”
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somebody i don’t even know came up and asked me what’s it like to be out on a huge day at pipeline. i told them, “once you jump into the ocean, it’s another world. an awesome world. you should try it.” than as i walked away, i told myself “omg, he shouldn’t try it. you can die out there. i hope he doesn’t take my advise.”
try to type in the keyword “pipeline” in youtube and this video will show up at the very top. it’s always great to be on top of youtube! enjoy again.
