The Boyums: G-Land and Cloud 9 Founders….


get this story. i’ve been hearing the brothers names mike and bill boyum for years now. mike boyum is the one who found G-Land and started the first surf camp there. bill boyum is the one who discovered cloud 9 on sairgao island in the philippines. these two brothers are legends and are known names in the surfing industry. been hearing stories here and there from other people about them but always seemed a little fishy. so there i was one day checking out spearguns in andre’s shop in bali. in walks in this this guy who introduced himself as cyrus. he gave me his card and i saw cyrus boyum on it. i asked him if he was related to any of the boyums who discovered g-land and cloud 9. he told me that bill was his uncle and mike was his father. oh my gosh!!! that’s nuts. i didn’t have that much time because we had to go but out came the questions. i just fired away because there are so many things i wanted to know. i guess, the truth. cyrus was super friendly and told me the scoops. gosh, i learned in that 20 minute conversation what i’ve always wanted to know for the past 15 years. i’ve been keeping in touch with cyrus who is from maui but lives in bali now with his family. i got a million more questions for him and can’t wait to sit down with him again. what a small world…. i told some of my japanese friends i met the son of the founder of g-land and the nephew of the founder of cloud 9. they all have questions too but they will just have to wait. for now, cyrus is building his surf/dive camp in sumba, indonesia. he’s got his website going and been surfing some epic waves, and spearing some big fish. it’s just another place i want to visit. and it’s just a stone throw away from bali…. hope to see you cyrus. save some waves and fish for me….

this is cyrus holding a big uku in his right hand and an ono in his left. both perfect for sashimi….

that looks like an andre gun he’s holding… good choice….

this is called an ono or “sawara” in japanese. it’s ono or “oishi’ in japanese….
