ever since i went to tahiti and tasted this excellent fish, i’ve been searching for it here in hawaii. it’s pretty hard to find but when i see one, my mouth starts to water. this is a perfect size one and i made sure i speared it in the head just like atsuko-san told me to. sashimi is how it will be eaten…
recently, i’ve been cleaning and cutting up my fish on my boat. why? to throw back food in the ocean for other fish to eat, and to keep my rubbish can at home from smelling like a dead body or something.
i never waste. every piece of sashimi tastes better on my platter then left on the fish. this slab of sashimi will feed 10 happy people.
by the way, i don’t know what this fish name is. i just eat it. and if i were to see this fish swimming with a 100lbs GT or ulua, i would still shoot this one. you just can’t compare the taste. i’d say it’s the hawaiian hamachi….