Turtles and Paddling


photo 3
ever heard the term “a million dollar view?” or “location, location, location?” well, this is a million dollar view, and this is location, location, and location. places like this only last a few days in the crazy hawaiian real estate market.
had a super good time with Saito-san last week. we surfed some great waves and i was stoked to see him surfing so well.
he started walking the board. i’m sure he’s back in japan surfing better than ever.
wave after wave and only a couple of surfers out with us. thank you Saito-san for a great afternoon session!
then on the way in, we saw a turtle swimming around. cool!
photo 1
yesterday when i was going around the corner at diamond head, i seen some paddlers making their way back to waikiki. it was pretty rough and all i could think about was paddling the molokai channel soon. can’t wait!
well, extreme wind coming tomorrow. it’s hard to believe after such a perfect day today. the warnings are out and there are gusts expected in the 60mph range. hold on to your hats and be safe!
