Tsunami Calling and Fresh Wakayama


when i arrived in japan, i turned on my phone and got several messages from friends in hawaii “Tsunami Warning! Is Mayuki ok?” OMG! i froze! the helpless feeling set in. super worried as i know what a little tidal wave can do to boats in yacht harbors. i didn’t tie her up really good because i never expected a tsunami to come. so i text my brother and luckily he went down that night to make sure everything was ok. i had a hard time sleeping thinking about what could happen. i checked the news in the morning and everything was ok. lucky! next time i leave hawaii, i’ll tie her up much better. but watching the news in japan was freaky as a 30cm tsunami hit, and at the same time, so did an earthquake in japan. this world is freaky!
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we get to wakayama, then Kimura-san takes us out to dinner. i love sakura, and i love takinoko. so both on one beautiful plate was awesome. fresh takinoko sashimi. oishi!!!
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then the wakayama sashimi platter comes out. fresh from the sea into her mouths. it’s hard to believe that 2 of these fish were alive 5 minutes before we ate it.
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and to decorate the food with sakura was so cool!
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then the wakayama sweet shrimp comes out. it melted in my mouth!
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it was boys night out in wakayama. thank you Kimura-san for the great food and fun talk. and thank you always for making me feel like home in wakayama. maybe see you monday?
only 2 more days in japan so better enjoy it. hope you do too!
