Shikoku to Nagoya


i’ve only been gone for a week but it felt kind of long. so happy to have seen so many of my friends on this trip. would have loved to see more, but there is always a next time. the great dinners, the laughs, the long drives, and everything brought me back to the memories of the past 24 years of my life traveling throughout japan. all i can say is that i love it!
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i’ve been with TSSC for 20 years and known Yassan and Tomoko-san for even longer than that. it’s my yearly trip to shikoku and it’s always great to see them. as you can see through all the photos i took, it was yet another successful contest and i’m already looking forward to next years! thank you Yassan and Tomoko-san for always taking care of me in beautiful shikoku!
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on the long drive back to nagoya, we stopped by tokushima for some tokushima ramen.
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it was excellent! now i officially gained about 10lbs in one week of eating amazing food!
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driving through japan is fun. this is the awaji bridge which was the biggest bridge in the world. i’ve been coming here from so long ago that this bridge wasn’t even here when i first came to shikoku. we had to drive our car onto the ferry back then. thank you awaji bridge for making us surfers life a lot easier.
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had a wonderful time in nagoya with Saito-san, Kanae-san, Kosei-san, and Naoka. friends who surf and friends who will always surf. thank you Saito-san, Kanae-san, and Naoka for letting me sleep on the long drives. and thank you Kosei-san for taking me to the airport from that crazy roller coaster park. see you guys in the water!
well, boarding my flight, it was another long cold day. and also a very awesome trip to japan! 24 years ago almost to this day, i decided that i wanted to live in japan. i made that dream come true and now i’m living in it. thousands more friends, millions of experiences, and billions of memories. leaving hawaii at age 22 was the smartest thing i’ve ever done in my life. cheers!
