Surfline: Wave of the Winter


had a super fun time surfing with Kubota-sam. always smiling and surfing so good. i was so happy that the waves that day was perfect for us.
great surfing Kubota-san. thank you for a super fun day and hope to see you again!
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no, this is not japan. this is hawaii. the best of hawaii!
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this kuruma ebi was awesome. sushi is an art and if you can think of it in that way, you can really appreciate it. and it tastes much better.
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so stoked to see Seth representing hawaii in such a positive way. this once shy kid isn’t so shy anymore in front of the camera. confident, happy, smiling, and a pretty good looking kid. but the thing i like about Seth the most is his big heart. so much caring and so much aloha in this little kid.
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and the little kid surfs big waves. check out this photo from in the tube! it was one of the entrees for Surfline Wave of the Winter!
good wave and good job Seth!
