iPhone 6 & Surf Your Dream


ok, the big news is that the iphone 6 will be coming out in august. that’s just 3 months from now. and yes, i want one! and yes, i’m going to get one!
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thank you Takeda-san for sending me the photos from yesterday. good job on the bottom turns and carving! it’s great to see you surfing so good!
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and great job bodyboarding Michiko-san! i’m so happy to see you riding so many waves.
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i took this family photo a long time ago on the north shore. these are my lovable nephews and niece. it’s a dream for me to watch them grow up to be respected surfers in the world. each one progressing to become top surfers and fine young adults. i’m so proud of you Micah, Kelia, Isaiah, Joshua, and Seth.
and thank you Bobby for sending me this photo of Micah pulling off this huge air this winter season! i can’t believe he made it!
Surf Your Dream!
