MEET MR. STAN: Stan turned 78 years old in Panama. Stan is a veteran free diver who’s been all around the world. he was living in hawaii at the start of world war II when the japanese bombed pearl harbor. he was telling me the story of where he was when the first bombs were dropping. it was pretty chilling. Stan is a man you must respect. traveling around the world spearing fish on one breath. waking up in panama every morning at 5am, going on the boat all day long till 5:30pm, and still lots of energy left. happy birthday again Stan! keep on diving!
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MEET MR. OPIHI: 15 years ago, i use to go to my secret spot picking opihi, or also known as hawaiian abalone. i’d take a big bag and fill it up with about a hundred or so. as the years passed, they started to disappear. my bad. these days, my vision on how i feel about the ocean has changed a lot. i don’t take more than i need. i spear a fish or two and call it a day. yesterday, i pulled up to my secret spot with hundreds of opihi everywhere. i jump in, dive down 5′, take 15 opihi, and go home. now i am much wiser when it comes to the ocean and its resources. and now i know that the opihi will still be there when i go back there. please dive smart!
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if you look at the top of this opihi, you can tell that it’s been living for a long time. and if you never tried this before, you don’t know what you’re missing.
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MEET MR. WEATHER: heavy rain for the next 5 days! omg, big storm coming this weekend. another south swell coming too so get ready for some storm sessions! i love it!
