Hawaii Boating Exam: Passed!


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i was just about to take Mayuki out into the sea to scrub the bottom again. i’ve been doing it myself once a week and it’s a lot of work. fun, good exercise, but hard work. maybe because i have no air tank? free diving and scrubbing is hard on the mind. you have to relax to hold your breath for a long time, but try relax upside down scrubbing the bottom of a boat. you start to get dizzy after a while. so this time, instead of getting dizzy, i hired a guy down at the pier. i made a hawaiian style brother to brother deal and he did it for $25. that is freaking cheap!
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i was watching him do it and thinking to myself, “these guys are hard workers!” it’s a tough job! then when he finished, i asked him “can you come again in 2 weeks?” haha.
could you imagine how much it would cost to clean the bottom of this boat? this is a russian billionaire’s superyacht that is parked at the aloha tower now. i’d guess a bottom scub for this yacht would probably cost around $3,000? or more?
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last night was the night i finally finished taking my exam for the hawaii boating license. it took very long, but i passed! now i’m officially certified and legal to operate any boat in hawaiian waters.
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i got my certificate that is valid for a lifetime. how hard was the exam? well, you do have to study. i knew most of the answers but there were some i didn’t know. so reading every page of information was necessary. i think it was a good idea to implement this because knowing the boating rules and being safe is very important. it will indeed save lives in the future.
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i was so glad that it was finally over that i had to kanpai to myself! i actually said “good job, cheers!” and i was alone. haha.
