Kamehameha Graduation Party


omg! today was yet another beautiful summer day! super blue sky, clean warm water, fresh air, and good waves! surfed all day long! left my house this morning at 6:30am, and just got home now at 7:30pm. super sunburn, super satisfied, and super happy. surf, rainbows, niu valley, surf, free dive, rainbows, and home. i’m going to take a cold shower and cool down. and probably fall asleep at 8:30pm.
yeah, the sky is really this blue!
we checked Diamond Head at lunch and it was really good. surfed this morning with Mr. and Mrs. Matsushima-san and afternoon with Yumi-chan. good waves and good riding all day long! hopefully i have enough energy to download the photos i took today.
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i went to my friend Dean’s son’s graduation party last night. i know Dean very well so i knew that there would be the very best of the best. take a look at the appetizers! omg! dream hawaiian style food!
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yes, i had to go back for a second round. it was so good. this food goes very well with beer but i didn’t drink beer because i knew i had to work all day today. yeah, i’m pretty serious when it comes to work. but hey, i bet a cold beer would taste pretty dam good with this!
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and my main dinner plate. lomilomi salmon, chicken long rice, kalua pig, poi, and squid luau. omg! i must have gained 10lbs last night!
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then get this! live hawaiian entertainment all night long. Sister Robi Kahakalau, Fiji, and Danny Kennedy on one stage?? omg, hawaii’s top artists singing together was a treat! and i was so happy to see a lot of my high school friends at the party.
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meet Kaiwi Chung. a graduate from Kamehameha High School, all star football player, and going to play football for the University of Hawaii under a scholarship! congratulations Kaiwi! you look good and i wish you the best with your football career! and to Dean, hey, good job raising your kids. i was super stoked to see you last night. awesome party. hope to sit down, have a few beers, and talk story very soon. mahalos!
anyway, my bed is calling me. tomorrow another full day in the surf. i can’t wait!
