Free dive, Free fish!


yesteray had super fun surfing in the morning with Matsushima-san and Miuki-san. in hawaii for the first time as honeymooners. great job surfing! enjoy your rest of your honeymoon in hawaii!
speeding in the ocean is fun because there are no policemen and no speed limit. full throttle and feeling the freedom! and omg, i almost ran over a free diver yesterday. he was out diving in the middle of the ocean with no dive flag, no dive buddy, or no nothing. he’s lucky he popped his head up at the last minute of i could have killed him. in hawaii, it is required by law to have a boat and a dive flag when diving. that is to prevent people like me running you over.
and yes, another beautiful day in hawaii.
i went surfing with Yumi-chan in the afternoon. the waves were big so i was trying to teach her how to throw her board and dive under the waves. big waves kept on coming as i was yelling “throw your board and dive under!” 5 waves later, she came up and started crying. then i felt sorry and went into my “nice” mode. haha. she recovered, we laughed, and kept on surfing. i’m trying to teach Yumi-chan how to be comfortable in the ocean so after we went free diving. i couldn’t believe how deep and relaxed she was! now all she has to do is apply that to surfing and she will no longer have any fear.
thank you for the hilo avocado Yumi-chan! and omg, i totally forgot to take a photo with you. i guess we were just having too much fun and time just flew by.
i took my speargun out to a 40′ deep ledge outside waikiki. we always go there to swim with turtles and look at a lot of fish. 2 shots and 2 fish later, i scale and clean it in the water, and Yumi-chan took it home to her host family. i’m sure they will enjoy 2 very fresh tasty fish for dinner.
