Singing Bird and Soul Surfer


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ok, the weather has been absolutely perfect recently!!! so i drive to mckinley car wash to have the best car washers on hawaii take care of the truck.
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for $16, you can’t go wrong! the only bummer thing is that i have to wait a precious 40 minutes. but when i drive off the lot, i feel like a clean man!
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then i drive home and couldn’t believe it started to rain!!! OMG!!! 10 minutes earlier the truck was spotless and clean. 10 minutes later it was just as dirty as it was before i washed it! i was shocked but at the same time, i had to laugh. and then cry. haha.
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my friend Robert sold me his old boat a few years ago. it was called “Aku Picka.” that means catching a lot of akus. i remember him showing me the photos and telling me the stories. he lives down my street so i went to go talk to him because i want to eat aku or katsuo again. then he offered to take me out and find some akus. so on my next day off, i’m going to catch some akus and hopefully eat fresh katsuo tataki again.
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9 months ago, Robert found a baby bird on the golf course. it was dying so he brought it home and took care of it. he told me his bird talks and i didn’t believe him. so i went into his house and the bird looked at me and said “what’s your name?” OMG! i almost had a heart attack! then it asked me more questions and started singing after. amazing!
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then Robert gave me a bag of lures to catch aku or katsuo. i will test it out really soon.
caught my last wave in from rock piles and seen this girl surfing on the side. she seen me with my camera so did a little pose. i snapped the shot and here it is. soul surfer girl!
