Fishing vs. Diving


i was so happy to receive an email from my brother and Kaylan first thing this morning. after i opened it, i knew it was going to be a beautiful day! miss you guys!
for the past few months, i’ve been asking friend after friend about fishing. i’m not a patient guy and i don’t like fishing, but i still want to try my luck. today was so windy and bumpy that it was crazy to even think about fishing. but my local fisherman Robert and i went out to try anyway. after 1 hour, i told Robert “hey, bring in the lines, i’m over this!” he said “what? we going home already?” i said “no way, i’m not going home without dinner.” we pull in the lines, i get out my mask, snorkel, and spear, and took him to one of my secret dive spots. Robert said “hey, no more sharks out here?” i told him, “why did you jinx us???” of course there’s sharks!!! this is the ocean!!! but don’t talk about sharks when i’m about to jump into shark infested dirty water.” 5 minutes later, we see a huge 10′ shark swim right pass my boat. he said “i knew it!! that’s why nobody dives over here!!” i said “hey, sharks can swim so this shark can swim around this island in a day. hurry and jump in!” he says “no way.”
i jump in, it’s super dirty and deep, and of course, sharks are on my mind. i take 3 drops, spear 3 fish, jump back in the boat, and that was it. as i was driving back to waikiki, i was thinking to myself “why do i even waste my time fishing? i should be diving! more guarantee, more fun, more healthy, and much more cheap on gas. and the best thing is i can choose what i want to eat! these 3 prized fish are the best reef fish you can dream of. menpachi, munu, and moana kali.
i see something and as i get closer, it’s a baby hawaiian monk seal! he was playing with a dead pufferfish and just watching us as we were watching him. nature at it’s best.
then we pass by bowls and it’s super empty. only 3 surfers out on a beautiful saturday morning. why? because the waikiki parade blocked anybody from coming to the beach. lucky guys. i wish i had my surfboard.
this is a pretty big menpachi. he was hiding deep in the hole behind a huge moray eel. i had to think before i shot my pole spear into the hold. “ok, hit him good, and pull him out fast enough so the hungry eel doesn’t get him. man vs. wild.” most times the eel wins, but today i did.”
i love cleaning and preparing fish. i have the best japanese knives so it’s super easy.
spread some salt, grill it, eat it with rice and miso soup, and you have a very healthy delicious meal.
and after all the hot sun again today, i cooled down with some ice cold watermelon.
i have a new dream. not fishing, not diving, not surfing, but something else. will tell you tomorrow. good night.
