Ishigaki Sashimi and Hawaii Tuna


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i want to congratulate Kyle Nakamoto and the Red Sea boat crew for catching their first ahi of the season. it must be so exciting to fish one of these big boys out of the sea. maybe someday i’ll get a chance, maybe not. after trolling for 1 hour yesterday, i told myself again, “i hate fishing!” but then after seeing my friends catch fish like this, it makes me want to go. congratulations again Kyle and the Red Sea gang!
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the Nakamoto’s are always first class. the have deep japanese roots and are very kind. Kyle was driving all around the island the next day delivering fresh cuts of ahi to his friends. after waking up at 3am to fish, spending hundreds of dollars on gas and ice, then cleaning the fish, packaging it, and delivering it. that’s a true friend.
wanted to say hello to Hikaru and Miwa-san enjoying themselves over there in Ishigaki. thank you for all the hard work for go-naminori and i hope to be in the middle of the photo next time i’m in japan. miss u guys!
and the food in Ishigaki looks awesome! hope to see you guys soon!
surfer, turtle, or sea lion? we all look alike so we are all shark bait. so the next time you see a turtle in the line up, you know there are sharks nearby. keep your legs and arms on the board.
