Go and Know!


i’ve been learning a lot about hard work and dedication. i asked a few people if they could polish and clean Mayuki and either they don’t do a good job, or they don’t even show up. so i figure i’d just do it by myself. i spent 3 hours yesterday morning in the hot sun sweating and working hard. it’s a very hard job and now i can appreciate people working hard a lot more.
this was yesterday morning after i finished the wax job. perfection! so the moral of the story is “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” simple!
photo 1
this morning i passed by diamond head and i knew it was going to be a very amazing surfing day. surfed 2 rounds, boat ride, and yakiniku dinner. left at 7am, came back at 9pm. happy, but very tired.
photo 2
i met the coolest osaka surfers this morning. Kena-san, Marki-san, Etsu-san, and Moto-san all very energetic and fun surfers. i was so stoked to see them catching so many waves this morning. thanks guys for the fun morning and pho for lunch. keep on surfing!
i always save my favorite tshirts. If You Don’t Go, You Don’t Know by Spice Clothing i had for years. i just took it out and wore it for the first time 2 days ago and got many nice comments. this is how i live my life, i go, and i know. simple! haha.
