KMC: Keehi Marine Center


super happy to get a morning surf yesterday. caught some amazing waves and when people started to wake up, i was done. then jumped in Mayuki and headed to sand island.
i feel much more comfortable driving in the ocean than on the streets. no traffic, no stress, and no road rage. just you and the ocean.
boats are super high maintenance and if you want to keep it working properly, you have to treat it properly. so like i said before, “if you love something, take good care of her.” i made an appointment to have Mayuki pulled out at Keehi Marine Center for a beauty stop.
it’s the most amazing system. a first for me so i was so impressed. i thought i was at the panama canal. haha. i pull up to the dock, they boys were already waiting for me and threw me the lines.
then they get the huge machine and align Mayuki up.
they put huge straps around and get ready to lift her up. all this time i was watching in awe.
these guys are professional! they understand that boats are like our own baby so they treat it with tender care.
then the roll it off and back it into an awaiting stall.
the belts come off and Mayuki is sitting pretty on wood blocks.
then i have my brother come down and do the mechanical work. i almost hired a boat mechanic but he wanted to charge me an arm and a leg. family service is free. and on top of that, my brother is the best mechanic, and not to mention, very fast. then i had my friend Kevin come down and polish her up.
after we were done, Mayuki was looking and running like the queen she is!
then it was time to put her back into the water. i jump in, turn the key, and go surfing again.
i never ever promote anything unless i truly believe in it. and after my first virgin experience with the Keehi Marine Center, i only have good things to say. the great service and professional work made me feel comfortable leaving such a valuable thing into their hands. it was so easy, fast, and safe. i will be there again for the next haul out in 6 months.
then come to find out, my high school friend Yoshi Muraoka is the manager there! omg, what a small world!!! Yoshi’s younger brother Fumi and I use to surf together all the time in high school. they both are japanese speaking perfect english and japanese. both very respective ever since i first met them 30 years ago. and Paul on the left runs the operations down there. two super cool locals that know how to give the aloha spirit kind of service. thank you boys for the great experience! see you guys again soon!
Keehi Marine Center
24 Sand Island Access Rd, Honolulu, HI 96819
Phone:(808) 845-6465
