Japan Heaven


good morning 4am from wakayama japan. got in late last night and felt great to be back in the country i love! going to wait for everybody to wake up, get the surf reports, load the boards, and start moving. pretty excited!
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wanted to thank Kimura-san for picking me up last night and taking me straight to my favorite place in wakayama, Ushio! the wakayama creamy oysters are the best in the world!!!
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then the girl took the net, scooped out a fish from the tank, master cut it up, and there it was! fresh sashimi!!!
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and fried little fish. i love this with my cold draft asahi super dry!
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hokkaido uni. omg! melts in your mouth!
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the more i come back to japan, the more i love it. the culture, the people, the food, and the experience. everything so good!
