Nihon Ichiban!


i’ve eaten at the best places around the world and there is no place better than right here in japan. the quality, service, and culture is just too good.
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this restaurant called “UN” in wakayama is really hard to find. it’s on a back road so you have to know where to look. one of my favorite places to eat in the world.
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i can’t read the menu but i know everything is fresh and good.
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normal procedure is to start off with an ice cold draft asahi super dry. kanpai!
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the master bought out this cool looking shell and then some weird animal crawled out.
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it almost came completely out of the shell. it was moving so wildly.
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10 minutes later, it was still moving all sliced up on a dish ready for the wasabi/shoyu.
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everybody loves ryakyo!
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when i first walked in, i was looking for the ika because i love ika. i didn’t see any so i asked. the master said “no, not today.” then while we were eating dinner, he disappeared to the back and came out holding a live ika. then he said “now we have ika.” a local fisherman just caught the ika and brought it to the restaurant. the timing couldn’t have been perfect. from the ocean to my mouth. it was unbelievable!
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thank you Kimura-san for taking me to your secret hiding place. i love it!
traveling around in japan to different prefectures is so cool. different kinds of foods in different areas. i’m so fortunate to be able to try everything.
so when people ask me “where is the best food in the world?” my answer is and always will be “JAPAN ICHIBAN!”
