expert geologists are predicting the next big earthquake under the mentawai’s! what? yes, most likely in the next few decades “thirty seconds to thirty years” a huge earthquake with a huge tsunami is highly likely. this information is gathered from hundreds of years of scientific research. that’s pretty scary, but that’s not stopping me from going there again…
i’ve been coming by some pretty cool photos i took in japan when i went exploring deep into the mountains. i can’t wait to do it again…
21 years ago i got a passport. my first trip was to japan. as part of the hawaiian world team, we went to miyazaki and niijima. i met the coolest people along the way. we stayed at a minshiku on niijima island and i have no memory on where it was. this is the only photo i have and this one means a lot to me. the grandma on the left is the minshiku obaasan. she was so kind! the girl in the middle is from peru and was the number one womens surfer from that country. the japanese girl in the front on the right is somebody i’ve been searching for since 1990. i don’t know her name, i don’t know who she is, and i don’t know why she was in niijima. all i know is she was really kind to guide me from niijima on the ferry, and back to tokyo when i needed help. she couldn’t speak english, i couldn’t speak japanese, but i’ll never forget her kindness. SOMEBODY HELP!! if anybody knows who she is, please tell me… arigato gozaimasu….