Drop in Bowls


i’ve been surfing in town my whole life. people are saying this is the best swell in 10 years. here’s what i think. there has been consistent swell for the past 30 days. this past 4 days has been incredible. for size, i think last year was bigger. as for conditions, i don’t remember the last time the conditions were this good. luckily i got to take Mayuki out and check every spot on the south shore these past few days. and everywhere i checked, it was perfect. perfect swell direction, perfect winds, perfect size, and perfect everything. so in my eyes, this past swell was the best ever for me as a surfer on the south shore. surfing my secret spot yesterday made me realize how lucky i am to be living in hawaii. and if you ask me how this summer was? the best ever too! i am completely surfed out. so tired and burnt. i’m going on a boat for 12 days to indonesia this weekend and i really don’t have any energy left to surf. good thing half of us are divers because that’s where i want to be. welcome to the endless summer again!!!
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bowls is crowded and if expect to get dropped in on. sometimes a simple sorry will work, sometimes it won’t.
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this wave, the bodyboarder got the best of it.
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good to see Daniel Jones out in the water surfing and shooting. good kid!
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i’m going out the channel slowly watching the waves. i see a set coming as 10 guys start paddling wild for it. i spot my nephew Isaiah Moniz. inside my head, i’m saying “come on Isaiah, take it!!!” maybe he heard me as i see the other 9 guys back off. Isaiah takes off, puts his hand in the wave to slow down and wait for the barrel, and does it so flawlessly.
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i see him pull into the barrel, i shoot my 400mm lens into the barrel. we are 50′ away but looking eye to eye. inside my head, i’m saying “good boy!” i just love this kid!
more south swells coming this weekend. surf your dream!
