Underground Grinds in Shonan…


good morning. 7am on this rainy aloha friday here in japan. been on the internet all night searching for some waves. need to take a surf trip soon but want to go somewhere different. somewhere i haven’t been before. found a few places but the waves are a little fickle. can score, or not score. it’s a gamble and i’m not sure if i’m willing to take it this time. i want to go on a boat and surf my brains out. and dive my brains out too. mentawai is the best place in the world for that but spending thousands of dollars for a dream boat trip and pulling up to macaroni’s with 10 other boats is not a dream. it’s a nightmare…. anyway, i sent some emails out last night and hopefully get something going for this summer. and if your a hardcore surfer out there that has a spot open on your next dream trip, send me an email. i’m there…. haha…. anyway, putting on my rain jacket and going out… have a nice wet day….
**i tell you man, the food i’ve been eating is just awesome. new places, old places, fresh faces. just amazing food…. and every time i eat out in japan, i always wonder why we don’t have these kind of restaurants in hawaii. let me tell you, if we did, there would be long lines every single night…. guarantee….

a couple of the boys from hiroshima opened up this hiroshima style okonomiyaki near chigasaki station called “Anan”. i went there about 7 years ago and still go there now. good food, good people, and most important, good vibe… thanks guys…

some aloha from hiroshima….. best okonomiyaki up this side by far. find out how to get there by CLICKING HERE….

and speaking of hiroshima. naoka on the right is from there. a few days ago, naoka cooked us some oishi seafood pasta for lunch. all this time i’ve known naoka, i had no idea he could cook. so now i know. can’t wait for our next lunch. thanks naoka… matsuo and i were saying to each other that naoka’s pasta is better than most restaurants….

then another night, matsuo, akko, akazawa-san, and i went to this chinese restaurant near fujisawa station. real chinese owner and workers, and real chinese food. gosh, it was so good…

mabo tofu on noodles. oh my gosh…..

and this is my favorite, paigohan. pour some vinegar all over and it’s good to go. so good…..

and not to change the subject or anything, but check out this photo my friend sheldon young sent me. he told me that this girl wants to go out on a date with me. just joking…. but imagine this being your girlfriend and you got her pissed off? itai…..
**and don’t forget to watch ER tonight on tv. my cousin wrote the script. somebody please tape it for me… doomo arigato…
