South Shore All Year Round….


i’ve had hundreds of surfers from japan telling me “hey, i’m so scared to go to hawaii in the winter season because north shore has too big waves.” i keep on telling them, “hey, there are fun waves on the south shore all year around.” nobody seems to believe me so i take an extra effort to explain to everyone “hawaii is not all about north shore big waves. you guys read too many magazines. when your driving out to the north shore so nervous on drowning in big waves, you have no clue that right in front of your hotel is going off! you just have to know where to go…”

this guy knows how to do it. why sit on a sofa flipping through your remote control when you can enjoy the best sofa right on your surfboard?

this is one japanese surfer that knows where to go. i’ve been seeing him catching perfect waves and surfing really good. do you know who he is? regular footer with a rash wetsuit and always smiling. enjoy the ride…

i get emails everyday asking about when my next video will come out. a guy even came up to me yesterday at haleiwa and said he’s tired of watching all my old videos and wants a new one. i have over 2000 video clips in my computer with no time to upload. got some great stuff. next rainy day, i’ll get to it so please be patient….
