Good Work Ain't Cheap!


good to see the blue sky out again this morning. it’s been a dark past 4 days so feeling the sun warmed up my mind. some small east swell wind waves leftover at diamond head and ala moana.
the birds always come to my window when i’m checking the waves in the morning. so we always check it out together. so cool!
had a great time this morning with Kanda-san and Megumi-san. Kanda-san just started surfing earlier this year at enoshima in shonan. i know very well that the waves at enoshima are usually very small and a very short ride. i’d say 4 seconds at the most. so taking Kanda-san out to rockpiles this morning and watching him catch his first wave was so funny. he kept on going, going, and going. half way, he said “wow!” and fell off. i think he was surprised to ride a wave for so long. haha. he surfed well and improved to a higher level. great surfing Kanda-san! hope you both enjoy your last day here in hawaii. keep on surfing.
i saw this sign at a store in kalihi. “Good Work Ain’t Cheap.” i’m a true believer that you get what you pay for. i’ve been hiring a few people to work on my house and am learning a lot. you have to pay a higher price for good quality work. and good quality work is very hard to find now days. so to all you hard workers out there, lot’s or respect for you guys! great job!
