2 Japanese Survivors….


good morning. i came back last night and turned on the news. the new war in libya is the highlights in america. but my highlight was to see 2 japanese survivors rescued after 9 days. hope is alive! never give up!!!!
been still hearing conflicting reports on what’s happening deep into the small towns along the coast near sendai. if you have any photos or information, please let me know.
we’re in war with libya now. what bad timing….

the west side is hard to figure out. no accurate surf report so you just have to drive out and check for yourself. if you score, you score….

it’s really good to see japanese surfers in hawaii. so good!!!

thank you Ota-san from Osaka for an incredible photo. the sunset, the birds? this should be a poster….
** i just wanted to congratulate my nephews on such outstanding results at the NSSA Regionals held at kewalo’s this past weekend. i’m proud of you all!
Explorer Juniors (17 and under): 1st- Isaiah
Explorer Boys (15 and under): 1st- Seth 3rd-Josh
Open Mens: 1st Isaiah 5th: Josh
Open Juniors: 1st- Seth 3rd: Josh
