a grandma and her grandson survived for 9 days under their devastated home in the freezing cold with no food and water. these are the stories and photos that give the rest of the world hope. these are the stories and photos that make you tear….
tomo-san on maui is fundraising in maui by selling these. hey tomo-san, how can i buy one?
yesterday, there was a get together in waikiki to support japan. there were japanese nationals, and a mixed culture of people supporting the same thing, JAPAN. all we wanted to do was to let japan know that we are all behind them….
so many people in hawaii are coming out with tshirts for fundraising. no matter which one you buy, it’s all going to the same place. a great cause by great people. everybody deserves a big hug. a lot of people have been asking, “where is all the money going?” as for WE ARE ONE donations, i can promise you that 100% of proceeds are going straight to japan, hand to hand…. here is mari-chan, mayu-chan, and juri-chan. 3 sweet and kind girls…
**wanted to let all the international orders including japan and hawaii know that your tshirts will be going out on tuesday. a lot went out yesterday and hopefully some of you will be getting it in a couple of days. we are swamped here but folding each shirt and putting it in an envelope is one of the most pleasant things i’ve ever done. once again, thank you for your support for JAPAN!