i took this photo of ren and shun murakami 4 years ago at ikumi beach in shikoku. the cutest kids ever! ren became a champion, and now shun is japan’s champion! great future for these 2 groms.

this was at the ehukai sandbar last year. this year, i’m going to get a photo of shun surfing pipeline. oh, i also wanted to congratulate shun on making the japan world team that will be competing in Peru next year. the cool thing is that he’ll be surfing against joshua and seth moniz. either of these 3 kids have the potential of being world champion and i’ll be cheering for all of them!
**i shot this video at the airport when i was taking shun back to japan. it was 4 years ago and he was only 11 years old. shun just won a big grom contest in hawaii beating hawaii’s best. the first time for a japanese surfer and he marked his name here in hawaii from that day. shun will always be a cute kid that everybody loves….
