well, i wasn’t too sad leaving cold and cloudy hawaii yesterday. dark, gloomy, and just not the best day in paradise.
get on the flight, watch 3 movies, all terrible! hardly slept, but so excited to come back to japan.
arrive in tokyo and same weather as hawaii. rain, dark, and gloomy. caught the train to tokyo, jumped in a taxi, and i was already frozen. i couldn’t believe how cold it was!!! had an awesome dinner and drinks with friends, passed out with my computer on my chest. i was trying to post a blog last night but fell asleep in 2 seconds. 3am now and of course, jet lagged. so i check out the forecast as i’m traveling somewhere tomorrow.
3am in the morning and get a surprise! SUPER TYPHOON HAGUPIT!!! a rare out of season super typhoon producing huge waves down south. going to make some calls when it gets lighted, going to book a ticket, and i’m flying down south tomorrow. lucky or chance? i think both. i was checking the world surf forecast for the past 4 days and instead of me flying half way around the world, it looks like the waves are coming to me. i’m pretty excited right now!
but at the same time, pretty worried for Kelia as she’s in china now and this typhoon will head right to her after it reeks havoc on the philippines. wish her safety and another world championship when the smoke clears.