Freezing cold Japan to Chilly Hawaii


had an awesome time in tohoku. pulled up to sendai and it started to snow. it really made me happy because it felt like real christmas! so happy to see Kiku-chan! always smiling and always so kind. thank you Kiku-chan for letting us borrow your brand new car!
only 2 days in tohoku and very very busy. just on the go in the cold. got a chance to meet Kimura-san in kobochihama. his new boat is freaking amazing! going to post some photos after my hands warm up. but before i forget, i want to thank Matsu, Saito-san, Miwa-san, and Kanae-san for always being there for We Are One. it seems like a long time ago but the past 3 years and 8 months have been very emotional for me. thank you for always supporting me and for always being there for me. you guys are all very special and important in my life. life will go on, and so will our support for tohoku. We Are One!
car ride 2 hours to sendai, 1.5 hour flight to nagoya, 3 hour layover, 8 hour flight back to hawaii. a long way home but this trip was worth every single mile.
so happy to see so many japanese celebrating the christmas holidays! christmas lights can always brighten up a life.
wanted to congratulate Naoka for finishing the honolulu marathon today! all i have to say is “you are crazy!”
i’m always happy to be home. yes, i love to travel, but i also love coming home.
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i caught more waves today than i caught on my whole trip to taiwan. haha. i was just a machine happy to be home.
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and yes, the barrel is always what i’m looking for. i can’t believe the waves on the south shore came up this afternoon. some head high sets and super fun. lucky!
surfed to sunset. back to my normal life and work. i think i had enough play and trips for 2014. going to relax and enjoy the rest of this year. good night.
