Super Model Surfer


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i had a great time teaching this model how to surf. yeah, i knew she was a model because how beautiful she was. but come to find out, Martina isn’t just a model, she’s a super model.
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at first, she kept on telling me “i can’t get hurt.” and i kept on saying “don’t worry, be happy.” i really didn’t take it seriously but safety is always my top priority so i wasn’t worried. there is a lot i can do to make the situation safe, but the rest is up to you. just like walking down a street. i can hold your hand, but if you fall on your own, that’s that. haha.
this is super model surfer Martina. i found this photo on the web and thought to myself “wow, she’s freaking beautiful! thank goodness she didn’t get hurt. i would have been in big trouble.”
