good morning. i’m feeling happier these days. why?
because i’m seeing a lot of happy faces!
good food brings happiness and when we came up with this idea last
week, i thought it might backfire, meaning some people might think
that eating the best foods might not be a good idea. well, it turned
out to be the best thing. seeing the smiles on the women when we
pass out fresh vegetables, and the smiles on the men when we pass out
fresh fish is amazing. our huge icebox is almost empty and after a
few stops tomorrow, it should be wiped out. what’s for mission 3? i
still didn’t figure that out….
when i was in hawaii and started this WE ARE ONE project, i told
myself that i wasn’t going to promote anybody or any company that was
involved. i personally feel like this is not the time to try to
benefit off such a great loss. if you do good things, great things
will come in return. i’ve always believed in that. and you are all
doing great things. that been said, i want to thank each and every
one of you that has been part of this successful missions. there are
thousands of people out there in the world that have contributed to
these missions in some way. your love and support has gotten our
teams through some rough times. i was asked by a news station
yesterday, “how long are you going to do this for?” my answer was
“i’m going to do this until japan returns to normal. if it takes 10
years, i’m in it for 10 years.”
thank you again for all the support. WE ARE ONE and will ALWAYS BE ONE!
about the photo: we heard about this little village tucked away
behind a mountain. last week, we didn’t see it and just passed right
by. yesterday, we found it! come to find out, we were the FIRST EVER
volunteers to stop by since the tsunami took out 3/4 of the village.
the people were so happy and so were we. they didn’t have
electricity, gas, or water. and everybody we talked to had lost a
loved one. we ended up unloading half our supplies, had a few laughs,
and all these great shakas!!! on of the guys there said “wow, you
guys brought us enough food that will last a whole month. we’re
really thankful.”