The Beginning of Photography


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wow, how good were the waves yesterday afternoon? the morning was super small so when we went for an afternoon session, i was expecting knee high windy waves. but when we pulled up to the beach, the waves were head high and perfect. warm weather and it felt like summer officially started! thanks Mike for the evening surf report and photo from Kewalo’s.
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the traffic in hawaii has been freaking crazy recently!!! now i know why hawaii was rated #2 for the worst traffic in america. thank goodness i know some back roads to get around all that mess.
i haven’t touched my camera in a long time. i still remember those days i use to shoot every single day. just stockpiling photos on my hard drive and saving it like treasure. then my sister started getting into photography so she’s archiving the family surf history now. i can take a break while she stays up for hours and hours uploading photos all night long. haha. here she is with Nage on the north shore 2 seasons ago.
and i shot this of my nephew Josh Moniz and Gen. 2 years ago, they were scared of backdoor. they use to paddle out only on the small days. but now, these kids are getting the best barrels out there on the biggest days. i like this photo because it shows 2 boys becoming 2 men.
last, wanted to wish all you mother’s out there a happy mother’s day. all you ladies are awesome!
