North Shore Shark Encounters????


good evening. pulled up to haleiwa at 5:45am for a dive. checked the waves and it was actually pretty fun. waist high perfect sheet glass waves. it looked super fun and nobody was out…

gosh, i wish i had my board with me….. what kind of surfer am i? haha….
anyway, we went diving on the north shore all day today. we got some big fish, and some big stories….. we got chased out of the water two times big huge sharks. first was on our first dive of the morning. jumped in, and everybody was spearing fish. had 2 straped on my belt, my brother had one on his floater, and kyle just speared a big ulua or “GT”. i went down to stalk another fish and i could hear kyle yelling “shark”. i didn’t see it so i really didn’t pay attention. i see sharks all the time so i continued diving. then my brother came and told me that the shark was big! as i looked off to the distance, i seen this huge shadow. i had to open my eyes more because i couldn’t believe how big it was. shit! shark!! i started yelling “shark”… i say 12′ plus and thick…. my brother told me that it could have been a great white… oh my gosh… anyway, after some excitement, we got on the boat, drove 50 yards around the corner, and started diving again. yeah, all us divers think that sharks can’t swim…. pretty stupid yeah? i could just feel something watching us…. then mid day, we went out the the deep blue to look for big fish. we all took turns driving the boat because the current was too strong. one guy driving, three guys diving. it came my turn. i was on the boat looking out to the horizon when i seen what i thought was a black bird flying low. it kept coming straight for us and as it got closer, i realized it wasn’t a bird. it was a freaking big shark fin sticking up out of the water coming full speed to us. shit, i was like out of the movie jaws or something. i started yelling “shark, shark, shark”. the thing was making a bee line straight for us. i was tripping… with 3 guys in the water with dead fish strapped on their waist and spreading dead fish all around to attract big fish, i thought we were in trouble. as they started swimming back to the boat, the fin disappeared underwater. more scary. got the guys back on the boat, went down 50 yards and jumped to do the same thing again. yeah, we still believe that sharks can’t swim…. hahah… wait, i shouldn’t laugh. i might get bachi….anyway, i took some pretty cool video clips and photos but am too tired to download them. but if you want to see how we dive here in hawaii, check back soon….. we all got back safe, got lots of fish, and can’t wait to do it all over again…. surfers and divers are alike… just can’t get enough….good night….
