Good Food, Good Friends


i had a great time with Dr. Sato-san yesterday. known Sato-san for a long time and always super fun to surf together.
kind of knew the winds would come early again so we went out earlier just in case. it was super perfect conditions in the morning and we had a little small inside peak to ourselves. Sato-san caught so many perfect long lefts. and ripping!
it was such a beautiful morning! thank you Sato-san for the super fun surf session. have a safe flight back to shikoku and like always, “see you soon!”
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seen Tiare out too. one of the most positive people in the world.
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Troy is a local at Bowls. out surfing every single day and catching the best waves.
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catching the best waves and smacking the lip! sick photo!
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got some nice photos from the other day at diamond head. it’s so funny how small this island is. you just never know when and where your friend will paddle out. Maki-san also knew that diamond head was the best spot that day.
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look how beautiful hawaii is! omg, it freaks me out when i come home and see the photos. it’s been the best weather so far for a summer. best weather and best waves. gosh, i love this place!
then the evening comes. totally heavy sun rays beaming down on us. i have dinner with my friends and one of them says “good food, good friends.” i drive home with the biggest smile on my face. good food, good friends. that’s the key to a great life. so i want to take this time to thank all my friends for just being my friend. if it wasn’t for you guys, i’d be nothing. mahalos.
then i get home late, start replying to emails, and wake up with my forehead on my keyboard. i totally fell asleep in front of my computer on my desk. i don’t remember a thing. no, i wasn’t drunk, i was super tired. super tired and super happy. have a wonderful day!
