Free Diving Hawaii YouTube….


good morning. 6:30 memorial day monday. waves are small around the island. good for a dive but the winds looking like it’s going to back down again this week so i’ll wait. i went online to research some techniques on holding my breath longer and going deeper so kind of want to try it out. or maybe it’s just a matter of singing a different song in my head every time i go down? it’s usually the carpenters but maybe i’ll try something more mellow. is there? anyway, even thought the waves are small today, there are a lot of surfers in the water. knee high sets with 40 guys at the park, 15 at rockpiles, a bunch at bowls getting ready for the contest today, and even 12 guys and 3 stand up paddlers out at knee high laniakea. it’s a holiday so expect a lot of surfers enjoying this beautiful day. i’m going to outside to take a deep breath of fresh air, come back in my house, and go back to sleep…. haha…. it’s a holiday right?
**got some video clips i put together of our diving session the other day. i was bummed that you can’t really see the sharks fin coming in.. i guess if i had a better camera or if my dig. cam wasn’t in the plastic ziplock bag, you could see it. oh well…. my new dig cam can’t go underwater so i can’t take clips of the boys actually spearing fish and stuff. i lost my other one and thats that. maybe i can get olympus to sponsor me a new one? or if anybody knows if casio is going to come out with a waterproof dig cam, please let me know. to me, casio is the best and once they come out with an underwater one, i’ll be the first in line to get one. but for now, you’ll just see what we bring up from the underwater world…. check it out….

and speaking of big sharks. another surfer killed by shark in mexico. and a swimmer at another spot in mexico got attacked. that’s 3 this month…. scary….
