Early Bird Fishermen


want to thank Kyle for the nice filet of ahi. got to eat a lot of spicy tuna sushi with all this top grade hawaiian maguro.
when you get on the freeway and don’t see a single car, you know you are early. so early that you are earlier than the early. been getting up early and enjoying this beautiful island while 90% are still sleeping. when i was younger, i use to be driving home at about this time. now, i’m driving out. i love it.
and to see the sun rising from the horizon is so amazing. the perfect sunrise to sunset weather continues. was going surfing but i’ve been surfing so much that i needed a break.
so i went fishing and diving instead. on the way to my dive spot, i threw out the poles and got lucky.
in fact, i got very lucky. i just ate katsuo tataki for dinner and it couldn’t have been any fresher than this. 7 aku in the cooler!
and to top things off, i got to see nature at its best. till today, i’ve seen over 100,000 dolphin in my life. but today, i seen the biggest dolphin ever! it was HUGE! i actually got scared when it almost jumped over the boat.
back to surfing tomorrow as the summer south swell continues. can’t wait! goodnight.
