Ocean Water Samples by WE ARE ONE


well, it’s time to leave today. but before i start packing, i have to unpack. i hope everything fits. it seems like i just got home yesterday. time is flying so fast. a few things before i leave.
1. thank you all for your support. there are thousands of people who donated things to the WE ARE ONE project. whether it’s time, money, or donations, we appreciate every single effort. the list is so long and goes do deep that i will need a secretary to respond to everybody’s contributions. from oahu, to maui, to big island, to florida, to california, to italy, to england, to australia, to many many other countries in the world. not to mention, from all over japan. the japanese helping the japanese is so great to see, and feel. thank you to you all!
2. of the thousands of emails i received, 4 people wrote to me and said “hey, you shouldn’t go to japan, you will just get in the way of the work up there. why don’t you instead donate your airplane ticket money to the red cross.” after getting these emails, i really thought that i shouldn’t go to japan. will i get in the way? would my money be better spent if i donated it to the red cross? i was actually lost for words and didn’t even respond. but after talking to some friends in tohoku, the said “come!” that was easy. i went. and for all the decisions i make in my life, going to japan was the best decision i’ve ever made. we helped thousands of people, we made people smile, we touched hearts, and we touched our own. my life has changed a lot. all in a good way. and just to let you know, 100% of my airplane ticket and travel expenses comes out of my personal money. that’s my way of donating and will be for years to come.
3. i found a lab in california to test radiation in water samples. i’ll be going to fukushima, sendai, and ishinomaki to collect water samples. then i will send it to the lab in america and get you back the results. there will be no bullshit hiding of results. i’m not a government. i’m just here for the surfers. if radiation is leaking into our ocean in hawaii, i would like to know asap. it takes 2 weeks and lots of money, but i think us surfers need to know what’s happening in our back yards, the ocean.
4. last, there are lot’s of people asking for my opinion about where to donate money and stuff. well, the red cross let out a statement saying that the victims still haven’t received any of the $2.2 billion donated. it’s been 2 months and they don’t know how to distribute it. i guess that’s the way big organizations operate. i’m not saying anything bad, but i just think that big organizations like that have to be fair, meaning equal to everyone. for us little guys, fair isn’t in our rulebook. if you need help, we will help you. i don’t care if you get more than your neighbor or the other guy gets less, if you need something, we will help you as much as we can. after seeing and going around the most devastated areas, we know who needs things, and who doesn’t. there is no red tape here and if you know somebody in japan that needs help, we will help. we formed WE ARE ONE for the reason to go hand to hand to the most neediest. i know there are many more people in tohoku that needs help and i hope to god that we will find them. if you see our vans driving up the streets, stop us. you can take anything you need. or you can also email us and we will get you what you need. that’s what we’re here for so don’t be shy to ask.
well, i better get packing before i miss my flight. see you in japan!
**last, last. i want to thank our Go-Naminori intern Miwa-san for translating my blog as well as other blogs. it’s hard work and time consuming so just want to say from the bottom of my heart “Thank you very much.”
