Fishing Island….


good evening. queen’s=packed. bowl’s=contest. concessions=30 guys. big rights=20 guys. looked everywhere and remembered about this spot that works on a south/east swell at low tide. and yes, it was working. paddled out, nobody out, perfect barrels, dream session. caught 20 waves, got barreled 15 times, did 30 snaps, 20 cutbacks, and came in. i left my house thinking i was just going to get wet somewhere and ended up having the best surf session all summer. that’s the cool thing about surfing; you just never know when and where you’ll have your dream session…. i love it… can’t wait till tomorrow…. and if you want to know where i went, not going to tell you. all i have to say that it’s a reef that’s fickle between magic island and kewalo’s. better not see you there tomorrow….

speaking about dream sessions.. was watching the tssc boat trip dvd to mentawai last night online. matchi and i out at HT’s, 6′, nobody else. unheard of. dream session? ask matchi….

then the last day of that trip, pulled up to kandui lefts. 4′, nobody out. unheard of. dream session? ask yuuichi…. dream trip? ask everybody that went….

and last, was searching the web and came across this website. check out this freaking huge tuna. 314kg? holy cow…. that’s almost 700lbs. can somebody tell me where this guy caught it from? i want to go there with my spear and give it a shot…. CLICK HERE FOR AN AWESOME JAPANESE FISHING ISLAND WEBSITE….
