yesterday, i paddled out to bowls 4x and surfed. today, i paddled out 4 times to surf. 8x in 2 days. i’m amazed how my arms are holding up. i feel fresh, strong, and lively. the only thing that’s bothering me is my totally red sunburned back. it’s summer in hawaii, the waves are good, and my job is to surf, so surf is what i’m doing. sorry i have a dream job.

anyway, today i was invited to Hokulani Elementary School by the 4th graders. they have been doing fundraising for the japan victims and wanted to donate all the money they made to WE ARE ONE. i went into a classroom with sixty 9 year old kids, and two teachers. was i nervous? yes. but after talking to them for 30 minutes, showing them the photos from japan, and sharing my stories, i felt like i didn’t want to leave. these kids are so interested in japan and asked so many good questions. i was honored to represent WE ARE ONE in hawaii and am so happy that so many people are supporting our missions. when i received the check, i promised the kids that all their hard earned money will go straight to the kids in japan. i will keep that promise!

here is a photo of the energetic kids. after i left the class, my mind went into a spiral. images of a tsunami wiping out school after school in tohoku made me sad. i got im my car, wiped off the tears, and told myself “never give up!” i’m not only doing these missions for the kids of tohoku anymore, i’m doing this for the kids in hawaii too.

we passed out WE ARE ONE stickers, i said my good byes, and as i was leaving the class, one boy came up to me and said “Mr. Fukunaga, thank you for going to Japan and helping the people there.” then he put out his hand to me for a handshake. another girl came up after and told me “Mr. Fukunaga, please tell the kids that Kelly from Hawaii said Hi.” such cute kids with big hearts! i want to thank the 4th graders at Hokulani Elementary School for their love and support for japan!
oh, they also presented me with personal cards they made to give to the kids of tohoku. it will get there this summer! thanks again.
