Fresh Water Spotlight


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still tripping out on the free diving in mexico. i would love to go back again someday with my good camera. it was one of the most magical things i’ve ever experienced underwater.
and visiting Cuba was also a highlight of my travel life. just going to unknown places with such uncertainty is kind of freaky. but that’s the way i like to travel. freak out and experience the unknown.
now that i’m back in america, i wished i took more photos in Cuba. you won’t see things like this for too much longer.
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Watanabe-san and i came back to town yesterday after watching the contest all morning. and after watching all that surfing, we wanted to surf too. we pulled up to ala moana and it was perfect! super glassy conditions and super good waves.
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i can tell there is another south swell on the way. how? because when you see two waves with this close intervals, it means something is pushing something. south swell this weekend? i think so.
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the waves were so glassy and perfect! i was looking for any opportunity to get barreled. and guess what? i did!
back in Cancun remembering my epic trip! can’t wait to hit the road again.
