finally the international team of radiation experts are in japan analyzing things. all the truth will come out in these next few weeks. what was told to the public, and what wasn’t will soon be known. i know there will be absolutely no good news coming out and i know that some secrets will finally be exposed. is it good? YES! i’ve gotten hundreds of emails from people asking me if it’s safe or not. yes, and no. some places are 100% totally safe, and some aren’t. some places within the 30 km evacuation zone are 100% safe, and some places in the 60-80 km zone aren’t. are we all radiation experts that can measure radioactivity every day? NO!
now let’s talk about the ocean. i went to college and learned about ocean currents in my oceanography class in my freshmen year. you don’t have to be a scientist to figure out what happens to radiation that is dumped or leaked into the ocean. it will spread! fish will be contaminated! and guess what? fish can swim! and the currents in the pacific ocean? they move on a daily basis spreading the radiation at its will. how far can it spread? I DON’T KNOW! as a surfer/diver, i’m really concerned. with the leaking fukushima plant still unstable, we are all uncertain of the future. sometimes, i can’t even sleep thinking about it.
not the big question i’ve been asked over and over.
this is what i think, and only i think so please don’t take it the wrong way. personally, i still wouldn’t surf in most parts of japan. i don’t want to draw a line because i have friends spread out all over and don’t want to create a panic. the news released yesterday that high-level radioactive materials were detected at 12 spots (from kesennuma to chiba) 15-50 km from the coastline between may 9 and 14th? hey people, yesterday was may 27th. kind of late to break that kind of news yeah?
if a cup of oil got spilled into a swimming pool, it would sit on one side. now shake that pool up like how the current typhoon 2 is doing right now to the ocean and figure out where that oil will end up? i heard people in japan are testing the water in some areas once a month, not enough for me to feel safe. i have friends surfing in japan and yes, i think about it day and night. are they safe? i don’t know. all i can do is hope so.
i’m just as confused as most japanese surfers are. i hope the international radiation experts can give us answers soon. if it’s safe, i want to surf. if it’s not safe, i want to tell all my friends to get the heck out of the water. but for right now, i feel helpless and can only sit back and give you my opinion. i’m just as confused as i was on march 11th.
**and to the people who sent me emails about totally quitting surfing, please don’t. don’t give up hope. we will all surf again!
