Shark Diving Sunday…


good evening. the wind was bad, the water was dirty, and the swell created a surge that made it a bad diving day. but when you really want to do something, you just do it. well, that’s what i do. so off it was for a dive in green murky water….

this is ryo kubota. i met ryo through my blog. ryo is attending university of hawaii and is going for his PHD in biology. for all of you who don’t know what that means, i’ll tell you. your going to have to call him doctor soon and getting a PHD from the university of hawaii ain’t easy. in fact, you need to be very smart. anyway, ryo is an active member of the surf rider foundation and is in charge of putting on the event about Rokkasho in hawaii. what is Rokkasho? it’s something every single person living on this precious earth should know. and thanks to ryo, now is your chance. i’ll give you more information on the showings coming up july 12, and 13th at the UH campus. i heard japanese pro longboarder david kinoshita and former surf foundation japan director masuo uedo are guest speaking. i encourage all of you to go and i’ll be there for sure. anyway, back to ryo. ryo is from kamogawa and knows a lot of people i also know. so when he told me that he wanted to go diving, automatic. so we hooked up today and headed out on not the best of conditions. but you know what? we had fun and that’s all that counts…..

ok, so we catch some fish and get ready for our last dive because it was getting late. we jump in, i spear a big nenue and blood was everywhere. normally, i would put the fish on my belt stringer but i had a funny feeling all day long. i dive out sand island a lot and i see sharks all the time. the water was murky all day so i decided to put it on ryo’s float. yeah, carrying a dead fish in murky water in shark country is not a good idea. anyway, we headed to the inside to get more fish. i was only 10′ deep so i went down to the bottom and waited for the fish to come in. all of a sudden, this huge 10’+ shark came from behind about 3′ on the side of me. he passed me, turned around and looked me straight in the eye. i had my spear pointed straight at his eye. i didn’t panic because i know that this guy meant business. so i stared at him and held my ground until he turned away. then he started swimming in ryo’s direction. i came up and yelled “SHARK”… luckily ryo heard me. the water was so dirty that he couldn’t see it. that was a good thing. because if he did, he could have had a heart attack. and i ain’t joking. i remember the first time i seen a shark, i freaked out and my heart was pumping so fast that i was hyperventilating. anyway, after we came in, ryo told me that he was bummed that he didn’t see the shark. i was thinking to myself, “this guys nuts”…..
**anyway, tomorrow’s another day. wake up, check out the conditions, and enjoy another day in paradise…. good night…
**and big rights video coming tomorrow… got all the boys in there….
