My Poor Finger.


i hate to be bias but i have the best mechanic living next door. my brother mason has been a mechanic for almost 25 years. it all started in the garage back in high school when he use to take apart volkswagon bugs. no books, just learned my hands on. from there, he’s been a auto mechanic his whole life fixing my cars, along with all of my friends cars too. not only cars, he can fix everything so when ever something breaks, i yell his name from my window and he fixes it. my boat had a problem that i couldn’t figure out. i was so frustrated that i almost spent $9,000 i don’t have to buy a new motor. he came down, spent 20 minutes, and found the problem. when i was watching him trying to figure out the problem, something came into my head, “maybe my brother can go to fukushima and fix that dam nuclear plant?” if he went, i’d have confidence that he can fix it.

i was alone in my garage trying to fix another problem on my boat. the screwdriver slipped and my finger punched right through a screw sticking out. it went deep, i looked at it and seen a hole down to my bone!!! white bone!! then came the deep thick red blood pouring out. ouch! i kept on trying to fix the problem and the more pressure i put, the more blood poured out. i finally gave up and yelled “mason!” he came and helped. shit, i should have called him 5 minutes ago. now my finger has a hole in it and even though i should have went to a hospital, hard head me said “no worry, be happy.” but it hurts so much.
anyway, if you need a mechanic, my brother can fix your car. call him, don’t call me.
