Kamuela Kahoano @ The Trump Tower Waikiki


last friday, i went to the trump tower lounge with some friends. everybody told me that this guy can jam on his ukulele and guitar. i sat down at 8:30 pm and was stuck to my seat. sipping my jack/coke listening to one of the most amazing young musician singing from his heart. honeslty, i haven’t heard of Kamuela Kahoano before but now, his name and songs are stuck in my mind. he sings from the heart and is super talented. i requested kalapana and c & k and he played it perfect. he also sang “I’m Yours” by jason mraz better than jason mraz. and get this? he won the 2011 Na Hoku Hanohano awards just 3 nights before. so just wanted to introduce you to Kamuela Kahoano and his album “Sweet Dreams.” he plays friday nights at the trump tower and even though i can’t afford a drink there, i’ll go see him play again. haha.
and wanted to say hello to long time surfer friend Todd Mitsui who works there. we surfed 100 heats together, we surfed 20′ waves together, and we’ve battled on the tennis court for days and days. nice to see you again dude! and for those of you who want to know why i drink jack/cokes? blame it on todd mitsui. he was a bartender at “The W” and introduced me to jacksan back then. oh the memories!
