Taiji Dolphin Killings…


good morning. it’s 9am here on this beautiful sunday morning in hawaii. i got up at 5am and went surfing. haha. in my dreams. i was stuck to my bed and couldn’t move. it was one of those days where your mind wants to get up but your body won’t get up. but it was good because i needed a good sleep. the waves aren’t going anywhere. i’m checking bowls now and it looks chest high and really fun. got like 18 guys out. diamond head looks good too as the winds are not that strong. i’m going to eat my cereal, read the sunday paper, drink a cup of coffee. wait, i don’t drink coffee. it’s just one of those days were i’m just going with the flow. have a great day where ever you are….
i didn’t want to show this video again but i feel like i have to because i want to start from the beginning of this controversy. after i found this video online, i completely freaked out. it’s just something we americans can’t comprehend. honestly, i got pissed off and was pretty sad. i got so many emails from both americans and japanese right after i posted that blog. everybody felt the same way as i did. sad and upset. i had the oppportunity a few weeks ago to go to the actual place where the dolphin killings took place. i went there trying to find answers and trying to understand the other side. i know that there’s always two sides to everything and now i know the other side.. i’ll get into that a little later. but first, this is the side you don’t nobody wants to see. if you don’t want to watch it, don’t. it will ruin your day like how it already ruined mine….
note: this year dolphin killings already started in taiji….
