Whale Encounter!


went to spend another full day in the ocean. got out to check the conditions, everything looking good, so decided to go with the flow.
full speed straight out to the blue sea!
on the way out, we seen a mother whale and her baby. they were just playing with each other. they swam away so we decided to just jump in and snorkel around. i seen so much fish!!!
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10 minutes later, i hear something very close to me. i look up and see the biggest mother whale and her baby! they came to swim with us and my little mermaid couldn’t believe it! it’s her first experience so that was precious!
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then we went for a surf at another secret spot. another secret spot with nobody out! we scored again!!!
such a beautiful day. gosh, i hate to say this, but i kind of miss the rain. haha.
once again, Takahashi-san told me “i’m so happy!” and he looked happy catching all those waves, ripping it, and drinking an ice cold beer right after he came out of the water. i would be too. and the cool thing is we’re going to do it all over again tomorrow.
welcome to my wonderful world! once you enter it, you won’t want to exit. haha. i’m stuck here for the rest of my life!
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then went to pick up Akane-san for some free diving and surfing lessons. i took her to my favorite free dive spot.
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and yes, all my friends were waiting for me! see you guys again tomorrow!
