So FAKE: Man vs. Wild


i had 7 guys snorkeling with me yesterday. and next to Mayuki was another small boat with 4 divers. their red dive flag was up as they went for a scuba dive. so two boats with RED dive flags means to other boats “stay away! don’t come within 100′!” one of my friends just got run over and killed by a guy driving his boat too close. so watching this tourist catamaran approaching the other dive boat, i was concerned.
why in the world does that big catamaran filled with tourist have to go so close to the dive boat??? just another accident waiting to happen. i took this photos just in case someone died. thankfully, nobody did.
then 3 minutes later, i see another catamaran coming way too close. i yell to him “there are divers around here!!!!!” he looks at me, waves, smiles, and continues on. totally clueless.
i had 7 snorkelers with me. thank goodness i keep my eye on everyone doing a headcount every minute. my guys were safe.
if one of the scuba divers on the other boat surfaced at the wrong time, he or they all would have died. situations like this make me cringe. all that catamaran had to do was go around us. but instead, he went between us. after my friend Sri died by getting run over by a boats, i get frustrated when i see this.
a new south swell filled yesterday in town. head high and super fun.
ever watch this popular show called “Man vs. Wild?” i watched it once and actually laughed. yeah, it looks so real, but it’s actually so fake. it’s about a “survivor man” going into the wild and surviving off the land and ocean.
on this episode, they show him walking on a deserted beach and he stubbled upon a pole spear rubber. it happened to be the perfect length, width, and was surprisingly in new shape. what happened? did he find it in a fishing store? that was totally fake. then he made a spear out of it and went free diving with no mask. then all of a sudden, there is a nice big juicy lobster.
of course they don’t show him actually spearing it. but they show him bringing it out of the water on his spear. the lobster was dead. haha. no way a lobster would die with one shaft in its body. lobsters are strong and will be flapping all over the place. what a joke.
then he tried to catch a shark with his bare hands??? now that was too much for me. that show is a joke and if you believe anything about it, i don’t know what to say. i’m no “survivor guy,” but i know through experience that a lobster wouldn’t come up that easy. and i know you can’t pull a shark out of the ocean with your bare hands. unless they are both already dead.
so hey, don’t believe what you see on reality tv. i sure don’t.
